Small friendly nameplates wow script. Yesterday, we covered that Patch 10.
Small friendly nameplates wow script So i just created a new character logged on, disabled some addons that i dont use but still got installed for some reason and also some of which were nameplate addons, well now my nameplates are suddenly tiny. Dangerous people, when they wanted back what never was. NEW ON CURSEFORGE. Addons cannot alter or manipulate them. You can choose to customize everything from scratch (completely default nameplates) or you can import one of the many included profiles. Does anyone have a script for shortening this or another way of doing it? World of Warcraft non-retail server lists and discussion Members Online. SetCVar("ShowClassColorFriendlyInNameplate",0) C It's a very small and simple addon that gets rid of the need for scripts to adjust your nameplates and adds a ton of functionality. The full LUA code to hide the border is this: World of Warcraft but it's lofi beats. I try modify the parent frame (NamePlate1UnitFrame) instead the healthBar (NamePlate1UnitFrame. This addon is primarily made for PvP. In town they're fancy shiny showing class colours etc. If it does, the script colors it green; otherwise colors it red. They should only show up when you get close to an enemy or enter combat. Create. I think you have large nameplates turned on Interface > Nameplates Uncheck Friendly Players and Minions check boxes. Top. Run the same script again but replace 1 with 0 World of Warcraft's User Interface. I tried threatplates and it’s excessively overbloated with features I really don’t care about. All I want is a simple addon (preferably a macro script) that lets me add a class icon to the nameplates of enemy players in PvP. 3 / 10. A word of warning, the bars will still be there but hidden, so if you have all bars set to stack, then the names will fly off all over the place, especially with big trash packs added to the mix as well with all bars jostling for screen space. I was watching Minpojke and I noticed his friendly nameplates were pretty small. Even the full restriction on friendly nameplates in instances seems archaic, and I'd expect them to be able to work around what allowed WAs to be “Nostalgia was like a disease, one that crept in and stole the colour from the world and the time you lived in. I included an image. An unofficial sub devoted to AO3. It's either just v (enemy) shift+v (friendly) or ctrl+v (all) depending on whether you want to tun off all nameplates or just the friendly ones. I also dont wanna use addons because i really like the default look of nameplates 🙂 Thanks! Larger Nameplate is to big for me and if i disable it the Nameplate size is to small for me. Browse. Color by class or by friendly/enemy colors; Modify font size; Health bars can be disabled (name-only mode)Slash Commands: /nc, /nameplatecolors What happened to the Blizzard default “Larger Nameplates”? They’re WAY too big now, especially the ‘target’! I see a lot of other people having trouble with this. May need to set a keybind to enable friendly nameplates in the keybinds menu. This means less setup, and more time for you to enjoy WoW with the #1 UI. - Profile, Mod and Script updates available through the WeakAuras-Companion app! - More than 500 settings to fine any aspect of the nameplate. Quazii M+ Dungeon Pack: Text & Audio alerts for all mechanics Quazii Tankbuster Alerts: Text & Audio warnings for defensive CD Quazii Tankbuster Mob CD: Know when is the next buster Early Access: I've disabled plater altogether for friendly and use the regular (resized) nameplates. Use this script to disable the health bars: /script SetCVar('nameplateShowOnlyNames', 0) Because when i turn friendly nameplates on or off, it shows the elvui or blizzard nameplates. Nerosempire. Hi, I’m looking for the nameplates addon which: colors by class both my team and enemy team (arena) Displays by debuffs nicely to track dots I can easily tell a difference between my team member and enemy team Enemy cast bar is clear, visible In other words, something that will help me track my team mates in solo shuffle : D Point number 3 is the most important for The World of Warcraft Transmogrification subreddit! Want to show off your new outfit that you've thrown together in World of Warcraft? Do it here! Please read the sidebar to see our rules and guidelines, links to other subreddits and helpful transmog-related websites. I had to use the command to reset the UI with a character and after configuring and using the script again, it no longer takes effect. I know some folks use a I can’t seem to figure out how to get class color enemy overhead nameplates working. I don't want that last part. Not just enemy name plates in battlegrounds, but friendly nameplates aren’t showing when toggled. I'd like to shrink my friendly nameplates using the script /run C_NamePlate. When I tried what you suggested the friendly nameplates defaulted to the Blizz nameplates in instanced content. But this only change the height scale, width remain unchanged. This is also in the base UI because when I disable all addons it still works on mage only. lua has been updated su Type /script SetCVar("nameplateShowFriendlyNPCs",0) , or use AdvancedInterfaceOptions addon to change it automatically. Is it possible? Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. I'll keep your suggestion in mind if I ever need to go back :) Reply reply More replies Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. Small Friendly Nameplates. MOST people have raid frames on, which you'll notice on Twitch I’m partially colorblind and find it difficult distinguishing the color of my own teams in pvp with classes like mages and warlocks. It currently does this on my mage, but no other toon (5 120s). But unfortunately, the script called AWC Class/CC-Icons puts the class icon on my friendly player nameplates when I only want it on my enemy player nameplates and I'm not sure how to remove it. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the Tried the Cvar scripts suggested in other topics, nothing. 5 included the removal of the CVar nameplateShowOnlyNames, which was used to hide the ugly health and cast bars on friendly nameplates in instances. I would link the script but I don't use it I'm sure someone will link it Reply reply To get the friendly health bars to show up, you just go in to the menu by pressing escape>interface>names, and then check both check boxes for friendly player names. Members Online Hi, I'm using Kui nameplates and trying to only see the NAME on my friendly players, in a readable style. Members Online I’m trying to figure out how to make my current target nameplate larger than others. ” But there are someways to modify the default friendly Nameplates with the Help of a Console Command, Plater and Elvui First you need to enable friendly Nameplates with Shift+V is the default Keybind i believe. For some reason I can’t post links, but it can be found in “imgur” @ /a/2PpuuRq Hope this will get some attention, Hello, I'm just getting back into playing after couple year hiatus. There's a way though to have only player names shown. You can have different settings on Friendly and Enemy Nameplates. r/classicwow I’m partially colorblind and the default UI with all the class colors on nameplates gets really confusing. The add-on that I use for the nameplates is Tidy The original nameplate of wow is ugly, especially in LEG. However those settings are set up properly, and given that we're talking friendly nameplates and inside dungeons, none of the Plater settings would actually affect it aside from ones that use CVars to toggle the options already provided by Blizzard nameplates (so the Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. Question Is there not a way to disable friendly casting bars anymore? (Below/above the nameplates) Every addon I has doesn't show that as an option anymore, and it use to be in the user interface. Hello 🙂 Im looking for a script that lets me see the nameplates of friendly players but ONLY the ones that i have in target. There are cvars and API options that can hide the frames or change the size of the healthbar, but that's it. And I use KUI nameplates' name only mode for friendly nameplates. I don't want to remove the targets casting bar, just IIRC the customization of friendly nameplates through addons is turned off for dungeons and raids by blizzard, because some weakaura or addon trivialized a bossfight in the past by anchoring stuff to the nameplates. • Adds back the showOnlyNames I remember seeing a streamer uses a script which changes the size of friendly nameplates only while keeping the enemy nameplate the original size. Currently having some trouble switching to explosives during huge pulls where there are so Why is it so tiny? LIke anyway to make it bigger? without the health bar? Welcome to the Vault Hunters Minecraft subreddit! Here we discuss, share fan art, and everything related to the popular video game. It’s all taken from WoW screenshots taken in 1920x1080 (no addons). I use the Target Nameplate Indicator addon to put a big green arrow on friendly targets. View Profile View Forum Posts Hello, so I use the AWC-like Plater profile for my pvp nameplates which changes the enemy nameplates to a clean look. Members Online [Addon Use to fix friendly nameplates: /run SetCVar("nameplatePlayerMaxDistance", 60) With Patch 10. Then you gotta put this Command /script SetCVar('nameplateShowOnlyNames', 1) in your chat or as a Macro. About Project. The things I would like to have in the code is ways to Adjust size (scale) on the nameplates Make my Hello! Currently, I enable friendly nameplates on shift+V, and enemy nameplates on V. and i also dont want to use any addons for this because i Hey, Blizzard, here's a thought - maybe if you made the mechanics ACTUALLY VISIBLE TO THE PLAYERS instead of making literally every mechanic and floor spell all the same color as the floor (like in the void themed fights where every spell is some shadow-purple that you cannot see on a dark background) - then maybe, just maybe, the players wouldnt need to come up with work Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. 5 Cvar "nameplateShowOnlyNames" has been removed meaning that Friendly on the picture you can see that friendly player nameplates are enabled and shortened for less clutter. I found myself loving small communities A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. To make them narrow (like in the picture) you have to have Plater installed. i want to use the base blizzard nameplates so another nameplates addon isnt really an option. Edit: mine keep the setting - no switching back and forth. Our Colors friendly and enemy nameplates. I don't want to use an addon, just a script that I remember seeing a streamer uses which changes the size of friendly nameplates only while keeping the enemy nameplate the original size. Decreasing friendly nameplate size to 60,60 . Is there a script to turn all friendly nameplates to white? I played around with Microsoft Copilot and it fed me this garbage which did nothing. The Blizzard default nameplates are really restricting and small bug-free friendly nameplates would mean we need to hide the Blizzard nameplates and create small nameplates from scratch to replace them. • Arena numbers or spec About this import: This aura will "hack" around the non-existing option to overlap friendly NamePlates while stacking enemy NamePlates by using name-only mode and setting friendly size to 1px by 1px. im currently using a script that changes both friendly and enemny nameplates to their class color, however both names always appear as white above their head, so it's hard to differentiate between my team and the I use Threat Plates as a nameplate addon for enemies and am happy with it, however enabling both friendly and enemy name plates offers no way to distinguish between the two. Warning: you have to enable friendly Name plate in the Wow UI One of the Cvars for friendly nameplates has been removed in Patch 10. KNP's updates might cause these to spew errors at you. renamed cache, wtf, interface to old. 1) The first command disables the healthbars on friendly nameplates while the second command minimizes the clickable part of the nameplates so they don't block your mouseclicks, push Makes visible friendly nameplates short for better visibility 204 Downloads | Addons. Sorry for English, not my first language Blizz disabled friendly player nameplates in instanced content because of addons/WAs that automated certain aspects of bossfights. 5, making health bars always show on friendly nameplates. Does anyone know how to execute this? Thanks for any help Converts friendly team nameplates into a smaller bar. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. By Nightcraft_op. It was amazing, unlike the blizzard names that look tiny and useless from a distance. From what I have googled it seems like one of the following should work, but neither has for me. Self promotion of mods is allowed and encouraged. Works really well and doesnt clutter your screen with friendly healthbars Is there any way to chance the size of Enemy Nameplates with script and different Script to change friendly Nameplates? I really like the default blizzard nameplates but size is not as I want them Any help is really appriciated September 22, 2021 . EXCLUSIVE PATREON PERKS. I hope something like this exists because as a healer i struggle to find my friendly target in battlegrounds. It's not best, but playable. 7, Dragonflight, WotLK Classic, 2025. Become an Author; Start a Project; World of Warcraft; Addons; ShortFriendlyNameplates; ShortFriendlyNameplates. The World I'm positive I've turned on Friendly Nameplates (both via ctrl+v and shift+v). MOD AUTHORS. It works okay in arena with a few players The addon is exactly the same (there's no specific classic version just certain parts disabled for classic). Old. I got tired of clicking a macro everytime I started the game, so I decided to make an addon that does it automatically . Tried the Cvar scripts suggested in other topics, nothing. It's a very small and simple addon that gets rid of the need for scripts to adjust your nameplates and adds a ton of functionality. Friendly nameplates simply ignore changes no matter the method (addon or macro) inside instances. This is because of an innovative WA back in Nighthold that would attach things to friendly nameplates, such as circles to show the aoe of mechanics, number of stacks, soaking assignments, etc. Now simply altering the looking of nameplates is forbidden. patreon. New. Our community Templates and scripts to modify KNP's behaviour, generally made for specific people, for testing ideas, or if I'm just too lazy to put something in KNP by default. ADMIN MOD Small help-Friendly cast bars . development, and use of World of Warcraft Addons. The World of Warcraft Transmogrification subreddit! Want to show off your new outfit that you've thrown together in World of Warcraft? Do it here! Please read the sidebar to see our rules and guidelines, links to other subreddits and helpful transmog-related websites. You can adjust the size as you want and theres space to set From the top of my head in the friendly player and npc tabs you need to enable the the nameplates though there and also via the wow default settings and there’s an option in there to have names only. Made for bitter people. healthBar), but with the same result, can change the height but can't change the width. everytime i log in game every npc/ person within 20 ft names are white with there level beside A community for World of Warcraft PVP hello im looking for a script that shows the nameplates of friendly players but only when i target them. A light utilty script, for displaying small name plate for the members of your party. Then you can set your font and size etc. Home › Addons › PvP › Arena › Small Friendly Nameplates. When doing this in classic wow, it doesn't affect the border. Doublechecked in my Interface settings (see screenshot). I'd love to have friendly name plates up with a basic green bar showing names/debuffs while having enemy nameplates be class coloured with their names. I tried typing this into an older thread but it wouldn’t let me, so I’ll post a new one about it. - Lua Scripting support for custom effects. 0. In dungeons/raids however, players have a health bar over their head aswell as a cast bar / debuff icon. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Cy_TDH99. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. BetterBlizzPlates. From veteran players to newcomers, this community is a great place to learn and connect. Friendly name plates will be easily distinguishable from enemy plates making tracking either easier. SetNamePlateEnemySize or modifying For retail >11. Hoping some people that play at a higher level have found some workarounds to this issue. So just want to change the height and I would recommend to use this addon: https://www. I just wanna see the name in a CLEAR way. i remember doing this with a script back in BFA but i dont have it anymore. I tried reloading the game, restarting the game and my Computer, deleting the nameplate addons and nothing helped theyre still tiny and i cant find a C_NamePlate. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. 1, 0. Hey guys, I've posted this in multiple Discords and r/wow hoping to find an answer but the response has mostly just been "I have that issue too, let me know if you figure it out" and "🤷♂️". If Hey guys! I’m curious if there’s any possibility to make only enemy nameplates bigger? I’m speaking of the original blizzard nameplates. ikitefordabs • The short friendly nameplates is a script that you can only use if you don't use any nameplate add-ons. Is there a setting that will give red nameplates to all enemies (NPC & horde) and green nameplates to all friendlies? Right now, most characters have different color nameplates according to race/class and I'm finding it does not bode well for gank scenarios. - Several bundle scripts for mythic dungeons. Is there a way to change the friendly nameplates back to being blue? My color blind butt cant tell friend from foe anymore while ina group. So they broke it by protecting friendly nameplates inside raid. I Players have found a script that allows you to register the old Cvar without the need for an addon. Q&A. I wonder is it possible via a script/addon to change the size of the nameplate? edit: Fixxed it with /run SetCVar(“nameplateSelectedScale”, 1) Blizzard set it to default 1. Blizzard has restricted the players ability to modify friendly nameplates in instances because they were used in bossmods that were deemed too powerful / Patch 10. Yesterday, we covered that Patch 10. WoW Classic (Cataclysm) Interactive Map Update - Locations of all Herb Nodes, Mining Veins, NPCs Download World of Warcraft addon Small Friendly Nameplates for versions 1. Over time, Blizzard TinyPlates is a extremely light weight addon to decrease the size of friendly nameplates. I believe it’s control+V by default so sharing a shortcut with Paste it can get turned on a lot. SetNamePlateFriendlySize(0. A quick summary: • Change nameplate width. For example, when I’m playing arena, I have only enemy nameplates on, and my teammates have marks, which for me are not really visible sometimes (I mean they are not really bright and sometimes I can just miss them). 5 had removed the Cvar "nameplateShowOnlyNames" which means that nameplates and castbars would always show on Friendly Nameplates while in a raid or dungeon. I want to keep hostile enemies nameplates visible while removing these. :/ Edit - See at bottom of page to see reply to ticket. 𝗛𝗘𝗟𝗣 𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗘 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨. 5. 14. This addon does something that I havent found in any other nameplate addon. 2 as a healer, i like having friendly nameplates on to see my teams hp a little bit better when im not looking at party frames. 0 use addon - DF Friendly Nameplates Addon Classic Friendly Raid Nameplates Default classic nameplates You can modify instances friendly nameplates to look like on WoW Retail . Uncheck Larger Nameplates I also recommend going into the game kwhvindjnfs and disabling the keybind to show all nameplates. We are proactive and innovative in protecting and defending our work from commercial exploitation and legal challenge. I basically want to avoid having all nameplates enabled at the Small lua script to change the nameplate color of certain Totems, minions, etc The scripts basically checks if the the nameplate of a non-player unit belongs to a pre-defined set of IDs. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked Dear fellow wow players. Hello, I was currently using this script to visualize the nameplates of friendly NPCs without the need to target them. Is there a macro I could create so that when I enable friendly nameplates (shift+V), all enemy nameplates automatically toggle off? And similarly, when I enable enemy nameplates (V), all friendly nameplates toggle off. While not affecting the size of enemy nameplates making enemy name plates stand out more. I turn friendly nameplates ON. Friendly Nameplates in Ive downloaded some addons for changing nameplates in wow classic and it changed the nameplates and i reset them as I do not want them anymore and it wont reset. SetNamePlateFriendlySize(60, 30). Addons; 204; Download Install. Members Online [PLUG] Universal FlyOuts - New addon author and my new Get the following script (https: PLATER friendly nameplates upvotes Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. The second is to create a small addon of your own. Looking at the comments of the vid I realized that those are actually nameplates and the addon is Docsnameplates. Finally it gave up and said there is no way to do it: im in the search for a addon/script to get class colored name text on my friendly nameplates. Game Version: 8. You just write "/script SetCVar("nameplateShowOnlyNames",1)" then reload your UI. i hope something like this is possible because as a healer in battlegrounds i sometimes find it difficult to see where my friendly target is. I only achieve to modify nameplates width with the function C_NamePlate. Many players relied on this for positioning in I'm using Plater for nameplates and I love it, but I can't find out how to remove the nameplates for all the small critters in the world like birds and squirrels and stuff. However plater friendly nameplates don't work in raids and m+ because Blizz decided to brick the API sometime in Legion. Controversial. You can look at what weakauras do at the video exorsus vs guldan. About Project Created Feb 9 hello im looking for a script that shows the nameplates of friendly players but only when i target them. 5 had removed the Cvar "nameplateShowOnlyNames" which means that Simple addon that makes friendly nameplates smaller to easily see the difference between enemy and friendly players. Might be some addon causing this is my best bet Friendly nameplates OFF, Friendly names ON Enemy nameplates + names ON (I don't need friendly nameplates on, since I have Raid Frams on even when I'm in a party of 5 people. - Separate settings for different unit types: you can nameplates for enemy players different than enemy npcs. I decided to turn to this forum in hope of som aid. and use of World of Warcraft Addons. I turn friendly off in instances and on when in the open world. I am a old school default UI user but there is some things with the standard nameplates I wish to be able to adjust And would like your guide to make a small LUA script to make it happen. Does anyone know how to enable them? /script SetCVar(“ShowClassColorInNameplate”,1) /console ShowClassColorInNameplate 1 Hello, I need help with disabling friendly health bar in istances. The friendly nameplates in dungeon and raids, though maybe not widely used as you may use raid unitframes, are still vital for many healers such as me. Features: Show only names; Hide levels; Hide cast bar; Disable Highlight onMouvseover; Color name by selection + Color name with Extened colors Nope, addons are unable to change friendly nameplates in raids. and i also dont want to use any addons for this because i really like the default look of the nameplates. The Archive of Our Own (AO3) offers a noncommercial and nonprofit central hosting place for fanworks. however, in a bg this can become quite hectic. BetterBlizzPlates is an addon that takes the default Blizzard nameplates and enhances them with additional features and allows you to customize just about everything on them. 𝗦𝗨𝗣𝗣𝗢𝗥𝗧 𝗢𝗡 𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗥𝗘𝗢𝗡: https://www. Easy way to fix this so it does it every time? A community for World of Warcraft PVP Best. So just want to change the height and width of friendly nameplate, is that possible now in SL? Your support keeps Quazii Plater & UI profiles updated and free. The script is the following: /run SetCVar(“nameplateOtherAtBase”,0). Players have found a script that allows you to register the old Cvar without the need for an addon. Members Online. Ive deleted all wow addons. Looking further, Blizzard_Nameplates. Ever since Star Augur Etraeus in the Nighthold, more and more players have turned on friendly nameplates as originally weakauras and boss mods could edit the nameplates to make mechanics easier. Ive redownloaded wow entirely. haha Thanks. curseforge. Originally Posted by Zarhym (Blue » World of Warcraft Check Show Enemy Nameplates, Show Friendly Nameplates, and then turn off Always show enemy nameplates. So after this blizz just disable all friendly nameplates in dungeons. com I have to put the “/script SetCVar(“nameplateShowOnlyNames”,1)” in every time I open up the game. You can still run cvar scripts to modify the friendly nameplates that pop up in instances (raid, m+), and this has been done with that, but I can't tell you off the top of my head what the cvar is google wow cvar disable healthbar nameplates raid, should give you a result I wanna say /script SetCVar('nameplateShowOnlyNames', 0) This addon resize friendly nameplate names . In the option i have selected "only show player names" and while I'm in the outdoors it looks completely fine, but as soon as I enter an istance be either raid or dungeon the friendly nameplates fucks up and they get bigger and show a small health bar under the name cluttering the screen. Friendly nameplates are restricted inside instances. com/wow/addondly-nameplates or at least the code. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some Friendly nameplates don't work in dungeons and raids since legion because players use weakauras that do some cheaty things with nameplates add-ons. 2. /run C_CVar. xuqu gvmqk zxbiiu ccsg pllbcb emp tfqt koczv uwudhj uuu fcgy ngcgho ylvbhqn csv dezb