Blacktown city council zoning map. Doonside lift; Western Sydney Transport; Services Sub-menu.

Blacktown city council zoning map Blacktown City has experienced sustained growth since the 1960s, developing into a vibrant, dynamic and multicultural city. Our 20-year planning vision is for a planned city of sustainable growth, supported by essential infrastructure, efficient transport, a prosperous economy and equitable access to a vibrant, Note. Sydney Central City Planning Blacktown City Council . We support Blacktown City Council’s vision for the revitalisation of the town centre and are On 22 November 2017, Council adopted its Masterplan for the Riverstone Town Centre. Click here for a new map of Blacktown City. These properties are identified Land Zoning Map Sheet LZN_005 Projection: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 Scale: 1:20,000 @ A3 Map Identification Number: Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 0750_COM_LZN_005_020_20180306 N Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre B2 Local Centre B3 Commercial Core B4 Mixed Use B5 Business Development B7 Business Park E2 BLACKTOWN CITY COUNCIL. It is a supplement to the development controls contained in Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015. Published by NSW Department of Planning and Environment dpie. 1 Amendments to the Height of Building Map in Blacktown LEP emphasising its importance as a gateway to the Blacktown City Centre. 2 Exhibited Material The exhibited material consisted of the following documents: • Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) • SEPP Land Zoning Map. au • Website: www. read and agree to the disclaimer. svg rectangle color Dwellings and development map Population and age structure map Assumptions. BLACKTOWN CITY COUNCIL PLANNING PROPOSAL Various DAs have been approved by Council within Precinct 1 of Stockland’s ‘Elara’ residential development. Final Planning Package - May 2010. SCCPP report: SPP-18-01553 Attachment 3 | Page 2 of 2 Height of buildings map extract Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (C las ified 83 SP2 (RailCorridor) ad) C ONO 4 GO no B4 SITE ifi Road The NSW planning database is an electronic repository of spatial datasets or other maps that are adopted or incorporated by way of reference by environmental planning instruments, plans or other documents or information relating to the administration of the EP&A Act that are required to be published on the NSW Planning Portal by the regulations or by the Secretary of the Equivalent zone tables Department of Planning and Environment 6 Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012 Current Business and Industrial Zones Employment Zones Blacktown City Council Change of use of existing dwelling house to permanent group home Date 8 April 2020, Revision B Pursuant to the R2 – low density residential zoning, the development is defined as: group home (permanent) The Height of Buildings Map provides that any building on the subject site is not to exceed a maximum height 9m Council has maps available for viewing at the Information Centre on the ground floor of the Civic Centre to assist in determining the impacts of bushland on your property. If you wish to order Liverpool maps or place a Digital GIS Data request, please fill out the GIS Map Order Form Blacktown City Crime Prevention Plan 2023-2027; Annual Dams Safety Standards Report; Blacktown City Council Code of Meeting Practice; Our Initiatives - EV Charging stations Sub-menu. 11 Contributions Plans – outlines the required contributions towards local infrastructure that will be levied on development consents. Land Zoning Map Sheet LZN_003 Projection: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 Scale: 1:20,000 @ A3 Map Identification Number: Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 0750_COM_LZN_003_020_20180717 N Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre B2 Local Centre B3 Commercial Core B4 Mixed Use B5 Business Development B7 Business Park E2 The zone maps are also updated on Blacktown City’s own Maps Online service. Blacktown City Council community organisations list [Blacktown Local Environmental plan 1988] [cartographic material] : existing zoning / map produced by Blacktown City Council, Land Information Unit; Map showing flood extents within Blacktown L. Lot 431 DP 812674, Dexter Place, Plumpton Figure 5 – Current Zoning Map (extract from BLEP 2015) Lot 430 Lot 430 . City Plan provides zoning maps for all land within the Brisbane City Council area. Table 3-1 BLACKTOWN CITY COUNCIL GROWTH CENTRE PRECINCTS Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 2010 Amended March 2022 . "Existing zoning. nsw. The Digital Cadastral Data Base (DCDB) has been prepared and updated by Blacktown City Please refer to the Digital EPI link here to view the digital Land Zoning Map. Address. For the purpose of calculation Section 7. The draft ILP supports the development of housing within the area that will meet the needs of a well-connected and diverse community group, supported by local facilities and infrastructure. By 2036 our population will exceed that of Tasmania and our annual regional economic activity will exceed $26 billion. 8 million project that will transform the town centre. Doonside lift; Western Sydney Transport; Services Sub-menu. 4 Permit ‘car parks’ as an additional permitted use in Schedule 1 of Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 on lots 25 and 3-5A DP 11349 and Lots 1-3 DP 202276, 81-97 Main Street, Blacktown. Blacktown City is a major contributor to Sydney’s economy and housing market. ) -- Maps; Time Coverage: 2002 Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts | Development Control Plan July 2018. Filter your application search by project name or Council or expand the options to filter for the application status or assessment, development or industry type. Monitoring the rollout of this program and advocating for reforms in approvals and zoning will be vital in ensuring the industry can meet these ambitious targets. From 10 July 2024, new planning controls will apply to land within the Blacktown Overland Flow flood study area. Table 2-1: Water quality and environmental flow targets 17 . The maps are supplied by the Department of Planning and The Blacktown LEP 2015 Land Zoning Maps show the location of the residential zones. In Blacktown City, contributions are levied on secondary dwellings or developments defined in the list provided below, in accordance with the applicable Section 7. Map identification number: Projection: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0m 40m 80m 120m 160m Blacktown Local Environmental Plan (Central Business District) 2012 Land Zoning Map Zone Scale @ A3: 1:5000 Sheet LZN_001 RE1 Mixed Use Public Recreation B4 Infrastructure B3 Commercial Core SP2 0750_CEN_LZN_001_005_20121214 RE1 RE1 R4 SP2 Classified You can then select your application from the interactive map or view the list of application results underneath. Table 1-1: Adoption/amendments to the BCC Growth Centre DCP and schedules 3 . This will allow low density Map identification number: Projection: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 0m 40m 80m 120m 160m Blacktown Local Environmental Plan (Central Business District) 2012 Land Zoning Map Zone Sydney Central City Planning Panel report: SPP-18-01553 Page 1 of 2 Zoning map extract Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 . The project, funded by the NSW Government’s Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants (WSIG) program, will create a vibrant, multi-purpose space that will bring a growing community together. The Land Use Tables at Part 2 of the Blacktown LEP 2015 Written Instrument outline the objectives of Zoning map extract Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 . The Zero Barriers project provides information, training and resources to businesses and services aiming to remove barriers for people with disability when shopping, using services or participating in activities in their "Council" means the Blacktown City Council. 1. Project name. The Land Use Tables at Part 2of the Blacktown LEP 201 Written Instrument outline the 5 objectives of each zone and identify the types of land uses that are permitted (with or without Council’s consent) and prohibited in each zone. This decision was made following consultation with the community mid-2016. At the meeting Council resolved the following: 1. PO Box 146,Windsor NSW 2756. Sydney Central City Planning Panel Report: SPP-19-00008 Page 1 of 2 Zoning map extract Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 . To create the right planning outcomes for the Seven Hills Town Centre, we will seek feedback from the community and stakeholders during the public exhibition of the draft Masterplan, planning Regional City Action Plans; Resources and maps. For detailed maps of the Liverpool local government area (LGA) please refer to the links below. 7 Maps (1) A reference in this Plan to a named map ad opted by this Plan is a reference to a map by that name: (a) approved by the Minister when the map is adopted, and (b) as amended or replaced from time to tim e by maps declared by environmental SRGC B2 UL SP1 (Cemetery) SP2 (Classified Road) SP2 (Classified Road) SP2 (Local Road) SP2 (Classified Road) SP2 (Rail Corridor) SP2 (Drainage) SP2 (Rail Corridor) Mecone. G. 3 of Appendix 12 in the Growth Centres SEPP. The NSW Government forecasts that the population of Blacktown City is expected to increase by approximately 264,100 people between 2016 and 2041, from 348,050 to 612,150 people in total. Planning Blacktown's future. Finalisation Report (PDF, 2 MB) Council is committed to managing and minimising the impacts of stormwater runoff from new development across the City. au/ To view flooding information, you need to: 1. Blacktown City Council is identified as the relevant acquisition authority. Council will prepare a Development Guideline to provide details on the architectural design competition requirements. Council adopted Option 2 'Main Street' as the design and planning basis for the Masterplan. This section provides an overview of Council’s requirements for stormwater management and water sensitive urban design as well as tools and resources to help you meet these requirements. Blacktown Council’s housing snapshot; Zoning determines how land can be used (for example, for housing, industry, or recreation) and development controls set guidelines such as the Riverstone Town Centre is located in Sydney’s North West Growth Area, approximately 14 km from the Blacktown CBD. r i c h m o n d r d marsden park berkshire park riverstone sp2 (classified road) srgc ru4 ru4 hawkesbury lga penrith lga 0 01 002 003 0 04 0 05 6 7 8 9 1 1 012 013 vineyard mount druitt marsden park hebersham bidwill dharruk whalan blackett shalvey emerton lethbridge pa rk shanes park tregear st marys willmot ropes crossing Blacktown City Council has partnered with Zero Barriers to support businesses in the local area to become more inclusive and accessible for people with disability. View Map. The basis of all planning starts with zoning. These layers contain a ‘non-EPI’ suffix. Council and the NSW Government recognise the vital role of the Town Centre within the region and have identified it as a Strategic Centre in the Greater Sydney Region Plan: A Metropolis of Three Cities, the Central City District Plan and the Blacktown Local The NSW Planning Portal Spatial Viewer also provides access to spatial datasets for certain planning maps that may not be regulated under an environmental planning instrument made under the EP&A Act. BLACKTOWN CITY COUNCIL Amendment to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 – The proposal will require the following changes to the zoning map. 11 contributions plan. Email. Blacktown City Council child care centre guide 2016 (PDF, 163KB) provides advice on the design considerations for development of child care facilities. This Schedule and related amendments to the BCC Growth Centre Precincts DCP give effect to the Regional City Action Plans; Resources and maps. This Schedule applies to all development on the land shown in Figure 1-1 Land Application Map. (JPG, 6MB) Blacktown City suburbs and postcodes are: Acacia Gardens 2763. W. S. Using either an address, street, legal identifier (such as lot and deposited plan number), council property number or place of interest, you can view our spatial mapping system to see Data displayed in Blacktown City Council's WebSpatial are compiled from a variety of sources. au Title: Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 2010 Note. Recent Updates to the Development Application and Certification Process. Details below: Session 1: P I C R I T E C L PROSPECT WSP FAIRFIELD LGA HOLROYD LGA 0 01 0 02 003 004 0 05 6 7 08 09 1 1 012 0 13 0 14 015 0 6 0 7 Projection: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 N Cadastre Centres SEPP (now State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts - Central River City) 2021) (Central River City SEPP) and associated amendments to the Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (DCP) Manager Asset Construction at Blacktown City Council · Experience: Blacktown City Council · Location: Blacktown · 3 connections on LinkedIn. This maps is an extract from Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 1988, as amended" "Plot date: 12/11/2002". au Blacktown from B3 Commercial Core to RE1 Public Recreation, to remove the height of building and floor space ratio controls, and to identify the land for future acquisition. proposed to Schedule 4 Area 20 Precinct of the Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts DCP to Zoning Map: • R2 Low Density Residential, intended to provide for low density residential housing supported by local facilities and services to meet the needs of Sydney Central City Planning Panel report: SPP-18-01553 Page 1 of 2 Zoning map extract Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 . We recognise and respect Darug cultural heritage, beliefs BLACKTOWN CITY COUNCIL Amendment to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 – The proposal will require the following changes to the zoning map. The Land Use Tables at Part 2 of the Blacktown LEP 2015 Written Instrument outline the objectives of each zone and identif y the types of land uses that are permitted (with or without Blacktown City is one of the fastest growing local government areas (LGA) in Australia and we are currently the largest populated LGA in NSW. click on the link above for Maps Online. Please contact the relevant local council to access the latest information for this property. PDF maps will remain in-force for all other layers. BLACKTOWN CITY COUNCIL PLANNING PROPOSAL Amendment to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) Figure 1: Current Land Zoning Map (Extract) Figure 2: Proposed Land Zoning Map (Extract) Figure 3: Current Height of Building Map (Extract) The Blacktown Overland Flow flood study was adopted by Council on 22 May 2024, after public exhibition of the study in 2023. 2 Site description The site (Attachment E and Figure 1 below) is within the Blacktown CBD, on the Council received advice from the Greater Sydney Commission on 8 February 2021 that the Commission supports Hawkesbury City Council’s draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (January 2021) as being consistent with the Land Zoning Map Sheet LZN_004 Projection: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 Scale: 1:20,000 @ A3 Map Identification Number: Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 0750_COM_LZN_004_020_20180306 N Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre B2 Local Centre B3 Commercial Core B4 Mixed Use B5 Business Development B7 Business Park E2 Blacktown City Council has unveiled draft designs of the highly anticipated Seven Hills Community Hub, a $35. We pay our respects to Elders past and present, and acknowledge ROU SSELL RD S H A L E P L C LAY P W A L L G R O V E R D O L D W A L G R O V E R D FER RE S RD PROS ECT EASTERN CREEK SP2 (Electric ity Transmission or D is t rbu on Ne w k) LGA BLACKTOWN LGA N T P W P T E E EP E E R j 0 0. The Blacktown Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 (LSPS) (PDF, 12MB) sets out a 20-year vision for the future of Blacktown City as it grows and changes. Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 Part B - Page 4 of 11 Phone Council on 07 3403 8888 for assistance accessing or interpreting any of these maps. Council prepare a Planning Proposal to amend State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney R1 RE1 R1 B1 RE1 RE1 E T T E T T E E Map identification number: Blacktown Local Environmental Plan (Central Business District) 2012 Land Zoning Map Zone Sheet LZN_002 Residential development forecasts assume the number of dwellings in Blacktown City Council will increase by an average of 2,931 dwellings per annum to 207,214 in 2046. Map of Blacktown showing rural, residential, business, industrial, special uses and open space zones. From Friday 1 January 2021, the following types of building applications to Once this occurs, Council’s LEP and DCP will no longer apply to these lands. Expand all Collapse all. After the review, the request to amend the Blacktown LEP to facilitate an amendment to the Growth Centres SEPP was reported to Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 19 February 2014. 25 0. [Blacktown Local Environmental plan 1988] [cartographic material] : existing zoning / map produced by Blacktown City Council, Land Information Unit; Blacktown Muncipal Council gazette; Blacktown City Council L. A. The Blacktown LEP 2015 Land Zoning Maps show the location of the residential zones. gov. This schedule and related amendments to the BCC Growth Centres DCP give effect to the Blacktown City Crime Prevention Plan 2023-2027; Annual Dams Safety Standards Report; Blacktown City Council Code of Meeting Practice; Our Initiatives - EV Charging stations Sub-menu. Height of Buildings Map - Sheet HOB 013 Maximum Land Zoning Map Sheet LZN_004 Projection: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 Scale: 1:20,000 @ A3 Map Identification Number: Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 Land Zoning Map Sheet LZN_003 Projection: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 Scale: 1:20,000 @ A3 Map Identification Number: Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 Amend North West Growth Centre Land Zoning Map – Sheet LZN_005 to rezone the subject land from SP2 Infrastructure (Drainage) to R2 Low Density Residential. Visit us; Join our library; Borrow, renew and request items; What's DPE also sent notification emails to Blacktown City Council (BCC), The Hills Shire Council (THSC), and TfNSW. [cartographic material] / map produced by Blacktown City Council, Land Information Unit The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, in collaboration with the Blacktown City Council, has prepared the Riverstone East stage 3 draft indicative layout plan (ILP). Residential development Net migration by age a l l a m b i e a v e n u e caprer a road madelin eavenue b r o n t e p l a c e b o n m a r t s t re et as quit h av e n u e ch u r chi l dri v e car oline hsholm d v Blacktown City Council grants you a non-exclusive licence to produce the contents of this website in your web browser (and in cache file produced by your web browser) for the sole purpose of viewing the content. For more information about zoning and current planning controls, please contact Blacktown City Council on 02 9839 6000. Zoning Map, some of the approvals rely on clause 5. Table 1-3: Guide to the controls in this DCP 7 . Blacktown City Libraries Sub-menu. "Land Zoning Map" means the Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 Land Zoning Map . Visit us; Join our library; Borrow, renew and request items; What's Visit us. Height of Buildings Map - Sheet HOB 013 Maximum Building Height (m) M N o p Q R s 12 14 16 18 20 21 24 26 32 38 40 50 56 AA 64 z C AB AB IHIRDAVENUE AB HRIEs I Visualising the geographic pattern of growth in dwelling stock across Blacktown City Council is a good starting point for assessing the scale and type of change each part of the area is undergoing. Formerly a part of Quakers Hill, the name was chosen to reflect the rural quality of Title: Blacktown City Council GCP DCP 2010 - Appendices First published: May 2010 Amended: March 2020 Acknowledgements The department would like to acknowledge Douglas Partners Pty Ltd and Sydney Environmental and Soil Laboratory, Blacktown City Council and Landcom for sections of this document taken from the Salinity Management Report for Council Chambers • 62 Flushcombe Road • Blacktown NSW 2148 Telephone: (02) 9839 6000 • Facsimile: (02) 9831-1961 • DX 8117 Blacktown Email: s10. Liverpool City Council governs 42 suburbs from Greendale in the west to Hammondville in the east. To use Council's City Plan online, you must accept the terms and conditions of this tool. au All correspondence to: The General Manager • PO Box 63 • Blacktown NSW 2148 Applicant Details Your reference 20784A - SE DFP PLANNING PTY LTD Blacktown City home. 75 Projection: MGA Zone 56 1 Kilometre Datum: GDA94 Scale: @ A31:30,000 Map Identification Number: SEPP_PCT_PL_LZN_001_20200612 E R . Land Zoning Map Sheet LZN_004 Projection: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 Scale: 1:20,000 @ A3 Map Identification Number: Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 0750_COM_LZN_004_020_20180306 N Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre B2 Local Centre B3 Commercial Core B4 Mixed Use B5 Business Development B7 Business Park E2 r i c h m o n d r d marsden park berkshire park riverstone sp2 (classified road) srgc ru4 ru4 hawkesbury lga penrith lga 0 01 002 003 0 04 0 05 6 7 8 9 1 1 012 013 Note. . Visit us; Join our library; Borrow, renew and request items; What's Blacktown is a modern bustling city of 54 residential suburbs, home to over 395,000 people, making it the largest city by population in NSW. Zoning maps are included to show d i s c o v e r y a v e p a lm y r a v e b lue e l l r c a r t e r e t a v gr enw a y a ve bi sho p c t wis eman ct s m a h o r s t p a i l s p l b a s p gil roy st g We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to Elders, past, present and emerging. Status. BCC Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 2010 To view an electronic version in PDF format, visit the Growth Centres website: www. [cartographic material] : bush fire prone map / map produced by Blacktown City Council, Land Information Unit The department, Blacktown City Council, Regional City Action Plans; Resources and maps. PLANNING PROPOSAL. 366 George Street, Windsor NSW 2756. Final Planning Package – October 2013. Some areas will be experiencing significant growth in new dwellings, either through greenfield development or densification and renewal. Table 1-2: Structure of the BCC Growth Centre DCP 5 . The proposed increase to 18 m would apply to the south-western part of This Schedule forms part of the Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 2010 (also referred to as BCC Growth Centre DCP 2010). 3. "landscaped area" means a part of a site used for growing plants, grasses and trees, but does not include any Blacktown City Council . 5 0. Sydney Central City Planning Panel Report: Blacktown City Council . This Our flood maps cover most of the city and you can view them at: https://maps. The relevant applications have been listed below. blacktown. Subject: Zoning -- New South Wales -- Blacktown Council -- Maps; Blacktown Council (N. Development Type. growthcentres. We acknowledge the Dharug people as the original custodians of the land on which Blacktown City is built. Title: State Environmental Planning Policy (Penrith Lakes Scheme) 1989 - Amended Land Zoning Map July 2020 Author: NSW Government Blacktown City Crime Prevention Plan 2023-2027; Annual Dams Safety Standards Report; Blacktown City Council Code of Meeting Practice; Our Initiatives - EV Charging stations Sub-menu. Contact customer service team on: (02) 4560 4444. LEP Amendment to Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015. Further information on the North West Growth Area and Precincts within Blacktown City is available on the NSW Government website. Until such time as Blacktown’s remaining rural lands have been released by the Minister and The RU4 Zone is shown in light brown on the Blacktown LEP 2015 Zoning Maps. 2. Once adopted, the draft Masterplan will be implemented through an amendment to the Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015 and Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015. This Schedule applies to all development on the land shown in Figure 1-1: Land Application Map. Intended Outcomes The objective of this Planning Proposal is to enable the subject property to be disposed of by CITY COUNCIL SI NGLETO SHIRE COUNCIL CESSNOCK CITY COUNCIL CENTRAL COAST COUN IL HORNSBY SHIRE COUNCIL T HE I LS SH IRE COUN L BLUE MOUNTAINS CITY OUN L PENRITH CITY OUN L BLACKTOWN CITY COUNCIL U PER C OL CENTRAL C OL PE RY SC O ING Blue Mountains N ation l P rk Wo lemi N ation l P rk Sch eyvi l N ation l Park Wo BLACKTOWN LGA PENRITH LGA 006 005 013 017 001 007 009 016 022 021 003 019 014 011 008 026 004 002 024 010 015 023 018 012 025 020 Projection: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 Fairfield Local Environmental Plan 2013 N Scale: 1:10,000 @ A3 Map Identification Number: 2850_COM_LZN_002_010_20200210 Land Zoning Map - Sheet LZN_002 0 200 400 Metres The consent authority fo r the purposes of this Plan is (s ubject to the Act) the Council. • 2Approximately 2564 m of part of Lots 9, 10 and 11 will be rezoned from RE1to R3. 137 - 141 Newton Road, Blacktown 2. On 30 September 2024, Riverstone Town Centre was identified for state-led rezoning under the State Significant Rezoning Policy. council@hawkesbury. Blacktown City This Schedule forms part of the Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (BCC Growth Centre Precincts DCP). au During this time, community members are invited to attend face to face drop-in sessions with representatives from the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, and Blacktown City Council. 7certificates@blacktown. BLACKTOWN CITY COUNCIL PLANNING PROPOSAL LEP Amendment to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 – Elara Estate Marsden Park the Land Zoning Map also will require updates to other Growth Centres SEPP maps such as Height of Building, Residential Density, Floor Space Ratio and Land Reservation Blacktown City Council Section 7. Council. Page | 6 Dexter Place, Plumpton Planning Proposal 2. What’s happening now. Council has detailed maps of Canterbury-Bankstown, which are designed to help for the purposes of planning, The City of Canterbury Bankstown acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land, water and skies of Canterbury-Bankstown, the Darug (Darag, Dharug, Daruk, Dharuk) People. SCCPP report: SPP-18-01553 Attachment 3 | Blacktown Development Control Plan 2015 Part C - Page 7 of 98 . 11 contributions, a secondary dwelling is self-contained accommodation within, attached or separate to an individual home. Tables . hehef odlb aaqt ddnj pfpsck cfjkn eoyc otec xbfa eekryr toc yymr hlxnsx wqnm hgftfb